Whitby Courthouse Theatre

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Whitby Courthouse Theatre is a not-for-profit community theatre group in Whitby, Ontario, Canada. (just East of Toronto). The 160 seat theatre has been admired by many visitors from the theatre world as well as by the 1500 people who regularly attend each show on our schedule of three productions each season. These are mostly in the category of Comedy, Musical and Drama. Our very active youth group runs workshops throughout the fall, winter and spring. They also mount one full-scale production each year. W.C.T. has earned many awards over the years for its productions. The group is always interested in hearing from people who would like to join - we're a phone call away.

416 Centre Street South
L1N 5S1

(905) 668-8111 (Voice)


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Primary category: Theatre Companies and Dinner Theatres (71111)
Secondary category: Independent Artists, Writers and Performers (71151)
Number of employees: 50 to 99