Industrial Safety Trainers Inc

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Industrial Safety Trainers Inc. offers over 40 safety training programs. Every course is developed to meet CSA, ANSI or other applicable standards and provincial legislation. Our safety training programs are offered on-site and delivered specific to the needs of your business. We also regularly offer several of our primary safety training programs in a public format in various cities across Ontario. For those clients who do not have a meeting space available, we can provide a mobile training unit we call The Safety Bus. Our Consulting Division was developed so that we could assist companies with case-specific scenarios including: accident investigation, site inspections, the development of Health and Safety Programs, as well as on-site consulting covering a broad range of topics

219 Saunders Rd
L4N 9A3

(705) 792-0128 (Voice)
(705) 792-6619 (Fax)
(800) 219-8660 (Toll free)


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Keywords: Forklift, Safety Training, Safety Bus, JHSC Certification, Scissor Lift, Health and Safety
Primary category: Management Consulting Services (54161)
Number of employees: 10 to 19