Gravenhurst Public Library

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Our library provides free access to all types of materials - books, music, dvd's, audio books, e-readers, newspapers, magazines, downloadable e-books, e-audio books and online resources. Our library provides a family friendly environment, promoting mutual support and social inclusion. We offer early literacy programs, as well as free children's programs such as story-times, Lego Club, TD Reading Club, Painting Pals, and more, which are perfectly matched with the developmental stages of your children. We enjoy the best books, songs, rhymes and activities together in a safe and nurturing environment. Search the library's collection, place holds, renew your books, and review your library account by using the links on the left side panel. Check our calendar often to see what events and pro

180 Sharpe St W
P1P 1J1

(705) 687-3382 (Voice)
(705) 687-7016 (Fax)


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Primary category: Libraries and Archives (51912)
Number of employees: 10 to 19