Logan Tree Experts

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tree removal, branch cutting, tree cutting, tree care, tree service, pruning, cabling and bracing, kawarthas, peterborough, lindsay, lakefield, tree planting, stump removal, tree damage, arboriculture, arborist

PO Box 1626 Road
K0L 2H0

(705) 657-6916 (Voice)


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Keywords: Logan Tree Experts is a professional tree service company serving Peterborough, Lindsay, Port Hope, Lakefield, Buckhorn, and Apsley. We provide our clients with the highest quality tree care, specializing in tree removal, storm damage repair, pruning, and planting. We utilize cutting-edge arboriculture tools, practices, and techniques and strive to educate our clients and raise awareness of proper tree care.
Primary category: Landscaping Services (56173)
Secondary category: Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings (56179)