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At StorageMart, our mission is to provide you with clean, friendly and affordable storage in your neighborhood. Visit our website to find a list of amenities including unique pin code access, fully-fenced properties, and well-lit facilities. We make it quick and easy to rent your storage unit online – you’ll be done in 5 minutes or less. Or, call us and let our experienced storage team help you out. StorageMart is proud to support our local communities. As a founder of Charity Storage, an industry-lead non-profit group, every StorageMart facility is a drop off point leave donated items that will be auctioned off for charity. 100% of Charity Auction proceeds benefit local charities, cancer research and non-profit groups.

3900 Wilfrid Laurier Street
J3Y 6T1

(450) 676-6236 (Voice)
(450) 676-8531 (Fax)


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Keywords: storage, self-service storage, storage facility, warehouse, self-storage, moving supplies
Primary category: Self-Storage Mini-Warehouses (53113)
Secondary category: General Warehousing and Storage (49311)