Newmarket Public Library

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Newmarket Public Library provides free access to over 175,000 items, including paperback, hardcover, and large print books, audio books (including Playaways®), as well as magazines, language kits, CD-ROMs, DVDs, CDs, video games, online databases and e-books.  At its Park Ave location, the Library provides Internet and Wireless access, programs for all ages, meeting rooms for rent, reference and research assistance, word processing, photocopying and printing, and local history and genealogy services.   On its website the Library provides home access to downloadable audio books, the Era-Banner newspaper archive, art collections, the library catalogue, and a wide range of online databases including business and career resources.  The Library also operates York Info, a comm

438 Park Ave.
L3Y 1W1

(905) 953-5110 (Voice)
(905) 953-5104 (Fax)


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Primary category: Libraries and Archives (51912)
Number of employees: 20 to 49