Azhar’s Oriental Rugs Inc

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Nobody knows Oriental rugs/Area rugs & Carpets like we do at Azhar’s Oriental Rugs. You’ll understand why we are the number one choice for cleaning, washing & restoring of Oriental/Contemporary Rugs to more than 250,000 customers over the last 45 years with more than 10,000 reviews. You’ll have the peace of mind knowing that your rug will be correctly cleaned in the first round and restored to its former glory. We’ll successfully remove all dirt, stains, bacteria, pet urine stains, odor & allergens from your rug, leaving it looking cleaner and brighter with a fresh aroma. Call 305-666-3451 for a free estimate, pickup and delivery or visit to view our washing process videos, before and after results and customer reviews.

10175 Sout 10175 South Dixie Hwy Miami FL 33156, Apt. No. or Suite No., Apt. No. or Suite No. 33156
Apt. No. or Suite No.


(305) 666-3451 (Voice)


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