Linn Legal

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Linn Legal is an Estate Planning, Business, and Real Estate Lawyer Serving Cincinnati, Ohio, and surrounding areas. We care about the citizens of Cincinnati and take pride in serving them through good and bad times. From protecting what you have worked hard for to passing it to the next generation, we can help you as well. Linn Legal is a law firm focused on helping business owners and families to grow and thrive by providing smart and clever legal work, on time and on budget. The firm’s driving focus is on transactional work, situations where two people want to make a deal. The firm does not litigate or file lawsuits because we excel at our transactional work and aim to keep you out of a courtroom.

5935 Ridge Ave


(513) 426-9443 (Voice)


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Keywords: estate planning attorney, business attorney, commercial real estate lawyer
Primary category: Offices of Lawyers (54111)