• Bradford West Gwillimbury banner image 1
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Business Directory

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Please use this form to contact us for assistance. Select the type of assistance you require from the list provided to have a representative contact you.

Get listed

If you operate a business and are not included in the directory, please click here then follow the simple instructions to get your business online.

General Information
The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury provides this directory so that local businesses may showcase their products and services to the residents and visitors of BWG, Bond Head and BWG Downtown. It may also be used by companies to source suppliers/distributors, anyone conducting research on the communities or trying to prepare reports related to business planning, etc.

You can find information in the directory through various search methods. E.g., enter criteria in the "Search For" field, perhaps a company name (full or partial) or use a keyword. The directory allows you to search all three communities at once or narrow your search by selecting just one community. You can search by an address and or phone number, search by proximity, number of employees, postal code or NAICS.

Search for a business or multiple industries using a North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code. Click on "Category Search" then use the "+" sign beside the different categories to drill down to the related sub-categories, the directory will display results of the businesses included in the selected NAICS.

Need assistance? Click on the "help" links located in the directory and select a topic that best suits your issue. Describe your problem using the provided form and our help desk will make every effort to answer your inquiry within 24 hours.

The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury has recently contacted all companies in our jurisdiction in an effort to update content for 2016. However, if your information remains out-of-date or is inaccurate, we encourage you to use the "help" links and advise us so that our help desk can make the necessary changes to your information.