Able Taxi

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Able Taxi began in 1985 in Orillia, Ontario. Since the company's inception, it has seen the greater Orillia region grow and flourish as a proud and strong community. Over the years, Able Taxi has solidified itself as an important business in the local community and has garnered significant personal and professional relationships. Able Taxi prides itself on being a company full of knowledgeable locals — many whom have been raised in the region.Able Taxi is driven on proper customer service, that serves Orillia and surrounding areas including: Oro, Oro-Medonte, Orillia, East Oro, Hawkestone, Coldwater, Medonte, Moonstone, Foxmead, Uhthoff, New Uhthoff, Barrie, Ardtrea, Atherley, Rama, Ramara, Brechin and Rathburn.

129 Front Street S
L3V 4S6

(705) 325-0632 (Voice)
(705) 325-0437 (Fax)


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Primary category: Taxi Service (48531)
Number of employees: 20 to 49