Cha Ching Liquidators

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Cha Ching Liquidators Head Office is a family run business, located in the Sunshine City of Orillia, Ontario on picturesque Lake Couchiching. Cha Ching has always differentiated itself from other closeout companies through a vibrant mix of brand-name products and unique closeout deals. We have spend years developing a merchandise mix that is attuned to our customers' needs while capitalizing on opportunistic buys to everyone's benefit. Visit our website at

317 Atherley Rd
L3V 1N8

(705) 619-1810 (Voice)


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Primary category: Toiletries, Cosmetics and Sundries Wholesaler-Distributors (41452)
Secondary category: Toy and Hobby Goods Wholesaler-Distributors (41446)
Number of employees: 1 to 4