Young Drivers of Canada

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YD is Different - not the ordinary driving school Compare YD - you'll be happy with the results. ONLY Young Drivers Teaches the Collisionfree!™ Approach We have invested over two million dollars developing the copyrighted Young Drivers of Canada Collisionfree!™ Approach. Only YD offers our exclusive Habits and Sub-Habits that teach YD students the skills they need to stay collision-free. State-of-the-Art Program At Young Drivers of Canada our education experts update the YD Program every year. Driver distraction and increased traffic congestion are just a few of the changes.

490 Dominion Ave

L4R 1P6

(705) 526-8500 (Voice)


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Keywords: Integrated Program: In-Class and In-Vehicle At Young Drivers we ensure continuity between the theory portion of the program taught in a classroom setting and the in-car portion of our program. What our students learn in the classroom is what they practise in the car. Our in-class instructors teach skills like freeway/highway driving, head-on collision avoidance, gravel shoulder drop-off, rear crash avoidance - just to name a few. The YD in-car instructors demonstrate these life-saving techniques. Then YD students have the opportunity to practice these skills with a professional by their side. That means when it happens for real - they'll know what to do!
Primary category: All Other Schools and Instruction (61169)
Number of employees: 1 to 4