Hendren Funeral Homes

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Hendren Funeral Home has a long-standing history in the community of Lakefield. We are an independent, family-owned funeral home that has served the community since 1865. We are committed to the families we serve during their time of need. We are equally committed to supporting community groups and charities. We believe that a connected community thrives. By supporting the community we are supporting ourselves and our collective futures. The professional staff at Hendren's is there to ensure that your every need is addressed, through the time of the funeral and beyond, in an individual and personal way. To further this, The Hendren Funeral Home is proud to offer bereavement support to their families through a series of HelpLetters from AfterLoss Grief Recovery Program. Each issue had been carefully planned to provide hope, help and healing information about the subjects, the emotions and the questions most bereaved people face during the period after their loss.

66 Queen Street
P.O. Box 524

K0L 2H0

(705) 652-3355 (Voice)
(705) 652-5120 (Fax)


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Primary category: Funeral Homes (81221)
Number of employees: 1 to 4