BMO Nesbitt Burns- Todd Adams

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I've been in the investment industry for over 20 years, the majority of that time as a Trader actively managing an inventory of investments such as U.S and Canadian common and preferred shares, convertible debentures, ETFs, foreign exchange and derivative instruments with the treasury capital of financial institutions for whom I worked; and as a market maker on the Toronto Stock Exchange. I also supervised Investment Advisors in multiple Ontario branches as a Branch Manager at a Canadian mutual fund and securities dealer. I'm married with four children and enjoy travelling, reading, the arts and sports.

132 Trafalgar Road
L6J 3G5

(905) 337-2219 (Voice)
(905) 337-2033 (Fax)
(800) 289-7798 (Toll free)


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Primary category: Investment Advice (52393)
Secondary category: All Other Financial Investment Activities (52399)
Number of employees: 20 to 49