Oakville Art Society

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The Oakville Art Society was originally founded in 1965 and is a unique Canadian art institution. It is completely self-sustaining and relies on its members who volunteer their time and expertise to operate two studios and the gallery shop. Since its beginning, in a small red cottage rented from the town of Oakville located at Coronation Park, the OAS has continued to grow. Now located at 560 Bronte Road, the OAS building houses a large painting studio and a complete potting and sculpting studio. The Oakville Art Society exists with a charitable purpose to provide facilities and an environment where artistic skills can be developed and to encourage art appreciation. We provide art classes for adults and children of all ages during fall, winter, spring and summer. Bursaries are g

560 Bronte Rd
L6L 6S1

(905) 827-5711 (Voice)
(905) 827-3835 (Fax)


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Keywords: art; painting; pottery; jewellery; instruction; Art Classes
Primary category: Museums (71211)
Secondary category: Civic and Social Organizations (81341)
Number of employees: 1 to 4