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FOUR SEASONS LAWNCARE has surpassed 10 years serving Durham Region. We provide service for residential and commercial clients in Oshawa, Whitby, and Clarington. We are also known as FOUR SEASONS LANDSCAPING. Our company functions as two divisions. One division looks after landscape projects, natural and armour stone designs, gardens, walls & walkways. irrigation systems,lighting, ponds and water features, and snow removal. While the other division looks after property maintenance such as grass cutting, garden restorations, mulching, tree and shrub pruning, removal of trees and shrubs, sodding, topdressing and seeding.

948 Attersley Drive
L1K 1V5

(905) 725-3948 (Voice)
(905) 723-2304 (Fax)


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Keywords: Landscaping, natural & armour stone designs, gardens, walls, walkways. Irrigation systems, lighting, ponds & water features, and snow removal. Property maintenance, lawn cutting, garden restorations, hedge trimming, sodding and seeding. Shrub and tree removal, sodding, topdressing and seeding Sprinkler Systems.
Primary category: Landscaping Services (56173)
Number of employees: 5 to 9