Waterloo Kung Fu Academy

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A martial arts school located in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, the Waterloo Kung-Fu Academy (WKFA) benefits the body, mind and spirit through the instruction of the martial art of Shaolin Five Animal Kung-fu. Since 1987, we have been helping both adults and children reach their full potential in kung-fu, giving them a model for success in life. We teach students from age 4 and up and beginners can start anytime in the year. There are specific class times for beginners. Our Academy has 18 active instructors with at least 10 years of experience. Please visit our website or call for more information or to book a free trial class.

620 Davenport Rd
Unit 3

N2V 2C2

(519) 747-4241 (Voice)


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Keywords: Kung-fu, kungfu, kung fu, martial arts, fitness, karate,
Primary category: Athletic Instruction (61162)
Number of employees: 1 to 4