Evans Bragagnolo & Sullivan LLP

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Evans, Bragagnolo & Sullivan, LLP is a full service law firm with significant legal sophistication and capability. The largest and oldest law firm in the Timmins area we serve clients through five practice groups: litigation; business law; family law; wills and estates; and real estate. Our litigators represent plaintiffs and defendants in every type of litigation, from motor vehicle and other personal injury matters to complex commercial disputes and criminal defence. Nous offrons tous services juridiques en francais.

120 Pine Street South
P4N 2K4

(705) 264-1285 (Voice)
(705) 264-7424 (Fax)


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Keywords: slip and fall, auto injury, birth inquiries, fatality, death of family member, death, head injury, criminal charge, drunk driving, birth defects, personal injury, Timmins Lawyers, Timmins Lawyer, Northern Ontario Lawyers, Northern Ontario Lawyer, Ontario Lawyers, Ontario Lawyer, Attorney, car accident, motor vehicle accident, motorcycle accident, insurance, insurance claims, insurance settlement, accident benefits, catastrophic injury, insurance denials, medical negligence, quadriplegic, paraplegic, doctor mistakes, loss of wages, mortgage, real estate, business, divorce, family separation, child support, child custody, malpractice, legal advice, litigation, wills, estates law firm lawyer wrongful dismissal
Primary category: Offices of Lawyers (54111)
Secondary category: Other Legal Services (54119)
Number of employees: 20 to 49