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Insource is a company dedicated to supporting and supplying leading- edge technology to the industrial mailing marketplace. Our novel approach to the Canadian mailing marketplace is one of partnership. By evaluating your current practices, processes and existing technologies we are able to provide a detailed audit of how to materialize your future vision. Our proven ability to accurately evaluate your requirements is what makes Insource unique. We?re not just a machine reseller, we are process strategists

85 Citizen Court

L6G 1A8

(905) 709-3344 (Voice)
(905) 475-7282 (Fax)
(888) 709-3345 (Toll free)


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Keywords: Mailing Equipment, Ink Jet, Envelope printing, Paper folding, Tabbing, Inserting, Addressing, Kirk Rudy, Buhrs, KAS, Streamfeeder, Collins Ink, Colourlabs, Tabs
Primary category: Office and Store Machinery and Equipment Wholesaler-Distributors (41791)
Secondary category: Printing (32311)
Number of employees: 10 to 19