A-Bay Self Storage

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Canadian Owned and operated, we service the Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, and Muskoka Lakes area. We offer a wide variety of self storage units for cottage, residential, and commercial needs. Our state of the art facility with computer controlled access will ensure your valuables and safe and secure. A-Bay Self Storage started in 1992 with 202 units and have added 40 units in 2013 for a total of 242 storage units. Our competitive prices and onsite resident manager will be able to provide you with all your storage needs. We are conveniently located at 1004 North Shore Drive, off of Hwy 11 and Bethune Drive. Our fenced compound can only be accessed during specific times by clients holding a valid pass card. When securing your individual unit, you provide the padlock, you keep the key. It's tha

1021 North Shore Drive Drive N
P1P 1V1

(705) 684-9300 (Voice)
(705) 684-9307 (Fax)


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Primary category: Self-Storage Mini-Warehouses (53113)
Number of employees: 1 to 4