Pinchin Environmental Ltd

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Pinchin Ltd. (Pinchin) can help you to balance your business goals with an understanding of both natural and built environments. That means investigating what could be under the soil at a potential building site, or what’s inside the walls of your office complex - and what that could mean to your bottom line. It’s helping you know that the people in your organization work in a safe, healthy space, and that you are compliant with often complex environmental, health and safety standards and laws.

875 Main St W

L8S 4P9

(905) 577-6206 (Voice)
(905) 577-6207 (Fax)
(855) 746-2446 (Toll free)


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Keywords: Mould, Control, Removal, Environment
Primary category: Engineering Services (54133)
Secondary category: Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering and Life Sciences (54171)
Number of employees: 1 to 4