Therrien's Forest Lake Lodge

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Forest Lake Lodge is a third generation owned and operated family friendly resort. Established over 70 years ago on picturesque Forest Lake, located in Northwestern Ontario on a chain of lakes known as the 'Indian Lake Chain'. This is a great system for fishermen who do not enjoy big rough waters and yet there is over 175 miles of shoreline for the avid angler to explore. This clear water chain boasts numerous musky weed beds, flooded bays with logs and tree tops, gravel bars, clay bars just perfect for walleye and bass, plus plenty of depth for lake trout to hide. Northern are also present, as they have been introduced to the chain in the past decade. In addition we offer well-experienced guided hunting packages for small game, black bear, whitetail deer and moose.

9000 Forest Lake Rd
Vermilion BayON
P0V 2V0

(807) 227-5291 (Voice)


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Keywords: Fishing & Hunting Outfitters, outpost, hunting, fishing, cabin rental, lodge, forest lake, guided hunting
Primary category: Sporting Goods Stores (45111)
Number of employees: 1 to 4