Bay Gardens Funeral Home

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We believe that everyone has a story to tell – in life and in death. We understand the importance of celebrating and creating a tribute to that life. Through our various facilities, the family-owned Bay Gardens Funeral Homes in Burlington and Hamilton, and Bayview Cemetery, Crematory and Mausoleum offer celebrations of life appropriate to the times and to people of all creeds and religions. A one-stop personalized service delivered with care and attention to detail, we provide respect, dignity and support at a time when all are required. If you need help with funeral costs or funeral planning services, then call us for a free no-obligation consultation.

947 Rymal Rd E
L8W 3M2

(905) 574-0405 (Voice)
(905) 574-0500 (Fax)


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Primary category: Funeral Homes (81221)
Secondary category: Cemeteries and Crematoria (81222)
Number of employees: 20 to 49