Art Century Imaging

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Art Century Imaging provides archival quality canvas reproduction & Giclée printing services using giclée method to artists, interior designers, architects, art agents, corporate companies, photographers, galleries & museums requiring high quality giclée prints. It's our mission to help artists and photographers market their work more profitably. We are exclusive publisher of quality prints on canvas (giclée), created by north American artists and photographers such as Norman R.Brown , Olaf Schneider, ken kirsch, Bruce Herchenrader,Marianne Broome,Jamie Mclean,Shiela Britton,John Page, D.D Gadjanski,...

85 Ferrier Street

L3R 2Y9

(905) 479-0046 (Voice)
(905) 479-5798 (Fax)


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Primary category: Other Publishers (51119)
Number of employees: 1 to 4