B J's Country Market

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A small family-owned business, where standards are set high and nothing is compromised. Oma’s branding was developed by the family, with Janey’s mom, Joanne, in mind. Her background is Dutch, which traditionally means ‘back to the basics,’ a solid work ethic, and meals made from scratch - with simple techniques that create great food. “Our goal is to show customers a warm and inviting atmosphere, great food, hometown spirit and the best of customer service”

4 York St
N0L 1E0

(519) 652-3330 (Voice)
(519) 652-1001 (Fax)


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Keywords: Catering, homemade food, bakery, cheeses, deli, pastries, salad bar, sandwich bar, pre-packaged meals
Primary category: Meat Markets (44521)
Number of employees: 10 to 19