Cantabile Chorale Of York Region

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Cantabile Chorale is a 40-voice auditioned adult community choir based in Thornhill. It was founded in 1973 by music educator Robert Richardson, who is still the choir's director. The choir has a broad repertoire of sacred and secular music, presenting 4-5 concerts per year that often feature guest soloists and instrumentalists. Cantabile Chorale also takes part in other local choral events, frequently performs with other musical ensembles, and is active in fundraising for local charities. The Chorale has toured in Holland, England, the Maritime Provinces and Western Canada, and now organizes weekend tours within southern Ontario every 2-3 years. The choir has made three studio-style recordings and compiles many other CDs from live concert recordings.

51 Thorny Brae Dr
L3T 3G5

(905) 731-8318 (Voice)


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Primary category: Musical Groups and Artists (71113)