Jubalee Beach Park

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Jubalee Beach Park is a seasonal park only and has been identified and recognized in the community since 1979, as the "official sponsor of summer, fun and relaxation". The whole family will enjoy the abundant recreational experiences that are offered. Spend an afternoon participating in one of the activities or boating fishing, cycling or just relaxing in the swimming pool or the beach. Then in the evening enjoy a game of cards or darts or dance the night away or just relax around the campfire with your family and friends. In the park there is a general store for most of your requirements including ice, groceries, confectionery and also videos for those rainy nights. If you need other requirements there is the town of Cobourg, Colborne or the Village of Grafton just minutes away.

268 Wicklow Beach Road
K0K 1S0

(905) 349-2670 (Voice)
(905) 349-2226 (Fax)


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Keywords: boating, fishing, cycling, swimming, beach, camping, general store
Primary category: Nature Parks and Other Similar Institutions  (71219)
Number of employees: 5 to 9