Making Small Talk

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Provides services to children, youth, adults and their families with learning disabilities including high functioning autism and Asperger’s Syndrome. Making Small talk provides a variety of programs and services that ensure the successful growth and development of children, youth and young adults with special needs. These services include pre-school, elementary, secondary and post secondary young adults. Social Skills, Life Skills, IBI, Training and Workshops Sessions, and Direct Instruction Tutoring

14663 Woodbine Ave S

(647) 519-6739 (Voice)
(855) 678-4424 (Toll free)


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Keywords: autism, Children, youth, adults and their families with learning disabilities including high functioning autism and Asperger’s Syndrome. Successful growth and development of children with special needs. These services provided include pre-school activities, tutoring, social skills, March break camp, Summer camp, play therapy, behaviour therapy, IBI therapy, verbal behaviour therapy and autism and behaviour consultancy, in addition to a comprehensive young adults life skills training program. Social skills, Direct Instruction Tutoring, Behaviour Consultancy, Life Skills 18+ Bridging the Gap, 18-29 Social Club, Fitness Classes, Sensory Room, Parties and Events, School Readiness Programs, Workshops and Training Sessions
Primary category: Child and Youth Services (62411)
Secondary category: All Other Schools and Instruction (61169)
Number of employees: 5 to 9