JMK Gravesite Maintenance

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Welcome to JMK Gravesite Maintenance; we specialize in individual gravesite plot landscaping and maintenance throughout the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. At JMK Gravesite Maintenance we take great pride in our work and always strive to achieve the highest-level of customer satisfaction. We understand that for one reason or another you might not always be able to maintain the constant upkeep of your loved ones final resting place. To help reduce this stress we offer a variety of packages that will meet your every need. All packages can be custom tailored and if you have any questions feel free to contact us. As always, we believe in the respecting the final resting place of our loved ones and take great pride in caring for each memorial.

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Keywords: Gravesite, Landscaping, Funeral
Primary category: Landscaping Services (56173)
Secondary category: Other Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance (81149)
Number of employees: 1 to 4