Hosseini Law Firm (HLF)

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Hosseini Law Firm (HLF) is a small, rapidly growing, multi-practice, multi-disciplinary and multi-jurisdictional law firm. Our goal is to bring to our clients the comfort and satisfaction of knowing the right course of action to take in legal matters. Our lawyers and support team are dedicated to getting the answers and results our clients seek. Our services are carefully customized to best suit our clients’ needs, budgets, and expectations.

330 Highway 7 East
Penthouse 9

Richmond HillON
L4B 3P8

(416) 628-4635 (Voice)
(416) 628-8600 (Fax)


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Keywords: lawyer, notarization, hosseini, law, law firm, law office, richmond hill law, markham law, york region law, lawyers, notaries, legal professionals, corporate law, criminal law, family law, business law, closings, closing, real estate law, international law, small business law, tax law
Primary category: Offices of Lawyers (54111)
Secondary category: Offices of Notaries (54112)
Number of employees: 20 to 49