Beverly Sneath Art Gallery & Classroom

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I paint because I have a need for the way art adds balance to my life. I think of painting as a language, a translation of subject and essence into the language of the medium. Graceful flowers, light effects in serene landscapes, the innocent gesture of a child, the joyful movement of a dancer, light and shadow shaping personality in a faceā€¦I want to share with the viewer that which captivates me. Beverly Sneath grew up in rural Ridgeville. A love of Nature and gardening is reflected in her work. Watercolour is a favoured medium in subjects including portraits, florals, landscapes and nature portraits, animals, children, dancers and ethereal fairies. She also produces acrylics, silk paintings and bronze sculpture.

800 Niagara Street
Seaway Mall

L3C 5Z4

(905) 892-5868 (Voice)


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Keywords: Organizations Cultural Business Or Industries Artists' Studios
Primary category: Art Dealers (45392)
Secondary category: All Other Schools and Instruction (61169)