LMI Canada

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We are LMI Canada, the Canadian headquarters for Leadership Management International® Inc. - a company that believes stronger leadership is always a possibility. We use our process driven techniques and programs to develop professional leaders for companies of all industries. Based on the philosophies of founder Paul J. Meyer, LMI has been instilling the value and importance of leadership to our clients for over 45 years. With an operational network that now spans 70 countries, LMI is one of the most successful and recognized people development organizations in the world.

205 Matheson Boulevard East
Unit 15

L4Z 3E3

(877) 857-4083 (Voice)


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Keywords: management development, leadership, personal motivation, goal setting, personal productivity, profitability, organizational skills, people management skills, effective communication, team development, LMI Canada, Leadership Management International Canada, Organizational culture transformation, strategic and annual business planning, goals design and alignment, stress management tools, balancing work/life, return on investment guarantee, multi- sensory learning, group dynamics, controlled environment, practical daily application, facilitated process, attitude and behaviour coaching, emotional quotient integration, spaced repetition learning, mentoring, executive coaching, ongoing communication, attitude & behaviour change, win-win agreements
Primary category: Management Consulting Services (54161)