Mainstreet Dance

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MainStreet Dance opened its doors in October 2001. The studio was opened by Ms. Jacqueline Gobeil and her vision that Every Body Can Dance. She wanted to give students a different opportunity leaning away from the competitive aspects of dance and nurturing in all her students the love for the art of dance. Students focus on performance and exams, not on winning trophies or awards. The focus is on making others smile and feeling confident in their abilities as a performer. The studio was run for the first year out of her living room and the first recital had only 15 dancers at a local community theatre. Nearly 10 years later the studio has grown to three rooms, two location and recently showcased its 9th annual recital with over 100 performers at the state of the art Markham Theatre. Although the studio is constantly growing Ms. Jackie has kept to her original vision that Every Body Can Dance!

77 Main Street
L3R 2E6

(905) 943-9009 (Voice)


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Primary category: Independent Artists, Writers and Performers (71151)