Little Toy Box

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This toy store carries a variety of toys for all ages including infants. Some of the products sold here include stuffed animals, action figures, board games, and so much more! We carry a variety of different toy brands such as Playmobil, Lego, Webkinz, etc. Stop by and see the selection.

460 Government St
P8N 2P5

(807) 223-2212 (Voice)


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Keywords: little toy box, toys, toy box, Webkinz, Playmobil, Lego, plastic cones, stuffed animals, dolls, action figures, games, board games, Sequence, Settlers of Catan, Thomas & friends, Smurfs, Crocodile Creek, baby, children, kids, baby toys,
Primary category: Hobby, Toy and Game Stores (45112)
Number of employees: 1 to 4