Patricia Regional Tourist Council

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The Patricia Regional Tourist Council is the sole tourism marketing association exclusively promoting the entire Patricia Region. The organization, in existence for over fifty years, currently represents 150 roofed accommodators, 10 townships, and 75 allied businesses. The activities of the association are exclusively to promote tourist visitation to the region. The association produces promotional literature on the region, attends sport and travel shows in the USA promoting the region, conducts advertising campaigns in the US market and developed and maintains two main web sites and eight product specific sites. Member lodges, camps, resorts, and outfitters primarily offer fishing and hunting vacations but are shifting to "eco tourism" where the focus is on the outdoor experience.

101 Duke St.
P8N 1G4

(807) 223-6792 (Voice)
(807) 223-2465 (Fax)


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Keywords: Patricia Region, tourist, vacation, trip, tourism, fishing, hunting, lodge, camp, resort, eco tourism, outdoor, experience
Primary category: Business Associations (81391)
Number of employees: 1 to 4