Haldimand Curling Club

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The curling club has been in existence in Cayuga for over 40 years and club members are excited as building is underway for the new arena in Cayuga. In this 2011/2012 season there are over 80 members ranging in ages from 15 to 70 years old. Many members join as adults or seniors as a way to keep fit, have fun and socialize in a non-competitive atmosphere. Regular mixed league curling takes place at the Cayuga Arena each Friday night with two draws one 6:30pm to 8:30pm and the second 8:30pm to 10:30pm. Spectators are welcome to watch in the warmth of the Hall (upstairs). Drop by and see what curling is all about!

55 Thorburn St S
N0A 1E0

(289) 237-4443 (Voice)


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Keywords: Curling is played by people with a wide range of ages and abilities. You don't have to be super-fit to start curling! The entry-level skills required are minimal, and the club welcomes residents of all ages and abilities. You’re never too young or too old to start curling. Curling, at its heart, is a social sport. Not only do you have teammates cheering you on, but every team you play against is part of curling’s fraternity. It is a great sport to meet new people or reconnect with friends and neighbours. Curling, in smaller, rural populations, is the thread that ties the community together through the long, cold winters.
Primary category: Spectator Sports (71121)