Township of Selwyn

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Located in the heart of the County of Peterborough, the Township of Selwyn is scattered with numerous charming small towns and quaint rural communities. The many area lakes and rivers attract a diverse mix of year-round residents, cottagers, and vacationing tourists. Selwyn is a one of a kind township where flourishing local businesses line the streets of the welcoming small towns and villages. These are the types of communities where the general store is always just down the road and everyone comes out to support the local hockey team. It’s not hard to see why generations of families have chosen to make this special place home.

1310 Centre Line
K9J 6X5

(705) 292-9507 (Voice)
(705) 292-8964 (Fax)
(877) 213-7419 (Toll free)


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Keywords: Located in the heart of the County of Peterborough, the Township of Selwyn is scattered with numerous charming small towns and quaint rural communities. The many area lakes and rivers attract a diverse mix of year-round residents, cottagers, and vacationing tourists. Selwyn is a one of a kind township where flourishing local businesses line the streets of the welcoming small towns and villages. These are the types of communities where the general store is always just down the road and everyone comes out to support the local hockey team. It’s not hard to see why generations of families have chosen to make this special place home.
Primary category: Other Local, Municipal and Regional Public Administration (91391)