Trim Masters L.P

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We are an Automotive Interior Manufacturer. For Toyota in Cambridge, we build the seats and door panels for the Lexus 330 Teir 1 supplier. For Johnson Controls Inc.(JCI), we build the seat frames for the Corolla, Corolla Sport and Matrix ? Teir 1 supplier. Our parent company is owned 51% by Toyota and 49% JCI

45 Southfield Dr.
N3B 3L6

(519) 669-8883 (Voice)
(519) 669-0019 (Fax)


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Keywords: We are an Automotive Interior Manufacturer. For Toyota in Cambridge, we build the seats and door panels for the Lexus 330 Teir 1 supplier. For Johnson Controls Inc.(JCI), we build the seat frames for the Corolla, Corolla Sport and Matrix ? Teir 1 supplier. Our parent company is owned 51% by Toyota and 49% JCI
Primary category: Other Plastic Product Manufacturing (32619)