BonBons & BRITTLE, Kleinburg Candy Company

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Our quaint and elegant family run candy boutique located in the heart of the historical village of Kleinburg, at Canadian Square, has quickly become a favorite destination with both young and the young at heart, and is truely candy lovers dream. We offer many varieties of candy from "old school" candy like Thrills, wax tubes, pink elephant popcorn and many American chocolate bars not easily found, and boast a vast selection of Retro and Nostalgic items including large Pez and Pop shop. We only carry British Cadbury's and have many other British favorites.

10462 Islington Avenue
Suite 4

L0J 1C0

(905) 893-3337 (Voice)


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Primary category: Other Specialty Food Stores (44529)
Secondary category: Confectionery Manufacturing from Purchased Chocolate (31133)
Number of employees: 1 to 4