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ElbowBeachCycles has been in business for nearly 70 years and makes the safety of clients its first priority. As visitors can’t rent a car in Bermuda, the best way to get around our paradise and experience all you’ve wished for is by bike, scooter or moped hire. We have a speedy online booking system on our website. We have extensive knowledge of Bermuda, meaning you can get advice on anything to do with the island, including what to see and where to go. ElbowBeachCycles provide excellent customer service, a price guarantee and peace of mind and modern bikes. We’ll drop off and pick up your rental, regardless of where you are on the island. We’re family run and our customers are part of our extended family.

60 South Rd

(441) 296-2300 (Voice)
(441) 296-0888 (Fax)


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Keywords: scooters, moped, scooter, motorscooter, motorcycle, motorbike, bike, bicycle, rent, hire, service, electric, repair, service
Primary category: Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Land (48711)
Secondary category: Motor Vehicle Towing (48841)