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Lyreco strives to maximize value out of every dollar companies spend on their office supply programs. We want to be the reference that the business community turns to for office supply solutions. Lyreco offers over 5000 products in 15 different product categories. Some examples are: the pen in your hand, the paper in your copier, and even the coffee you are about to have a sip of. Give your local Sales Executive Cameron Ackerblade a call at 647-883-9037 or email ( to discuss how he can makes things simpler in your day-to-day work life.

7303 Warden Ave.,
Ste. 200

L3R 5Y6

(647) 883-9037 (Voice)
(905) 940-2966 (Fax)
(800) 661-4738 (Toll free)


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Keywords: Lyreco office supply solutions paper copier coffee
Primary category: Stationery and Office Supplies Wholesaler-Distributors (41821)
Number of employees: 50 to 99