Spirit Kelowna Intuitive Counselling and Coaching

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It only takes an hour to get you on your way to greater satisfaction in your relationships, career, life goals, and personal development. Unlike conventional counselling and coaching, intuitive or psychic counselling is faster, because it involves direct interaction with your subconscious patterns, helping you to recognize and effectively address beliefs and behaviours that have held you back for a lifetime. In one session, you will understand what’s been holding you back – and I’ll give you tools to create happiness and success in your personal and professional life. I offer follow-up sessions as needed.

1433 St. Paul Street

V1Y 2E4

(778) 755-5887 (Voice)
(855) 755-5887 (Toll free)


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Keywords: life purpose, coach, coaching, purpose, life, yoga, PSYCH-K, psych, k, intuitive, session, counselling, counseling, yin, classes, hot yoga, hot, studio, love, relationship, life coach, money, finances, career, insight, spiritual, workshop, event, Kelowna, Penticton, Summerland, Peachland, Vernon, therapeutic touch, touch, healing, energy, massage, class, ghost, medium, past, lives, health, happiness, intuition, clairvoyant, gifted, future, behaviour, life, harmony, joy, optimum, enhance, abundance, psychic reading, massage, yoga, counselling, PSYCH K, kelowna, workshop, therapeutic, Spirit Kelowna
Primary category: Other Individual and Family Services (62419)
Secondary category: Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services (54169)