Parrish & Heimbecker, Limited

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Kerwood elevator is located in southwestern Ontario near the borders of Lambton and Middlesex counties. Our elevated is situated on the CN mainline serving Toronto-London-Sarnia-Chicago. Draw area includes the counties of Lambton, Middlesex, Elgin and Kent, with agricultural land known for producing wheat, corn, soybeans, sugar beets, and seed corn. Our services include market information, grain contracting, and crop input information.

1765 McKenzie Street
N0M 2B0

(519) 247-3303 (Voice)
(519) 247-3304 (Fax)
(866) 537-9663 (Toll free)


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Primary category: Farm Product Warehousing and Storage (49313)
Secondary category: Other Grain Farming (11119)
Number of employees: 1 to 4