ODC Tooling and Molds

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ODC Tooling & Molds (Ontario Die Company) was founded in Waterloo, Canada in 1923 by Sam Levene. The company was dedicated to the manufacture of the finest cutting dies available. The needs of the burgeoning North American rubber, footwear and leather goods industries were ably met. The period of the 1950's and 60's saw the company continue to grow and firmly entrench values that remain in place today. ODC distinguished itself as an industry leader adapting processes and materials that led the cutting die industry.Today, ODC is led by a fourth generation family member. Ronald Levene is noted for his creativity and interest in new manufacturing technology. Honoring historical company values of quality products and collaborative/consultative customer interaction, ODC remains a leader in today's demanding global tooling industry. The Waterloo, Canada Headquarters is supported by our very capable US thermoforming mold facility located in Batavia, Illinois.

119 Roger Street
Box 70

N2J 3Z6


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Keywords: Engineering and manufacturing, trimming systems, cutting dies and molds.
Primary category: Machine Shops (33271)