Go Energy

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GOenergy is part of a Waterloo region network of successful energy management companies with expertise in all facets of energy management. Electricity, natural gas, water and environmental systems are handled by experts with strong track records. You have probably picked the low hanging fruit already. We do a plant tour at no charge and work with you to complete projects that meet your financial return goals. Creativity and experience are success factors we share with you.

299 Northfield Drive East
Unit 2

N2K 4H2

(519) 888-0335 (Voice)


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Keywords: Waterloo, Energy, energy audit, energy monitoring, efficient energy source, reduce energy costs, energy supplier, advisor, green energy, renewable energy, renewable energy company, energy manager, natural gas, electricity, power, geothermal, solar, conservation, energy efficiency, ISO50001, energy management plan, savings opportunity,
Primary category: Electric Power Transmission, Control and Distribution (22112)
Secondary category: Natural Gas Distribution (22121)
Number of employees: 10 to 19