My Server Giant

edit this listing is a company whose team has been providing Canadian customers with the best prices on IBM, HP, and Dell server parts for the past 15 years. Our customers tell us they like us because: 1. We almost ALWAYS have the lowest price – far BELOW manufacturer’s “parts online” depot. 2. We have the LARGEST selection of IBM, HP, Dell, EMC and Cisco parts – all service parts as far back as 10 years. 3. We offer LIFETIME warranties on certain product lines (hard drives and memory) at prices much LESS than our competition (who can only provide a limited warranty). For Example: Competitor Pricing - $369 HP Dual Port Enterprise - hard drive - 146 GB - SAS-2 (MFG #: 507125-B21) - 3 year limited warranty Regular Cost - $279 with LIFETIME warranty VIP Pricing - Even LESS with LIFETIME warranty That’s a $90 savings or 24% off our regular cost !!!..... And if you become a myServerGiant.comVIP your price will be even LESS! Now, I don’t know if partnering with us is a fit for your organization but is it something you may be interested in investigating? Please let us know if you have any upcoming projects or opportunities we can quote on. I guarantee your satisfaction. Best regards, Steve

1707 Sismet Rd
Unit 1A

L4W 2K8

(888) 599-1112 (Toll free)


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Keywords: Server Parts Computer Parts
Primary category: Computer and Software Stores (44312)