Sandler Training

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Sandler Training is in the business of providing Sales Force Development to all levels of an organization by working with a firm's people, systems and processes to create positive behavioural change over time. Our motto is "Finding Power Through Reinforcement". In action, we ensure that the right people are recruited, assessed for their potential, trained and coached to ensure that the client's revenue targets are met and that the salesforce is highly effective and accountable for their results. In addition to salesforce development, Sandler offers a wide variety of consulting services dealing with a broad spectrum of personnel development including Goal Setting, Planning, Communication Skills, Negotiating Skills as well as Customer Care development.

55 Standish Court
Lower Level

L5R 4B3

(416) 453-5036 (Voice)
(866) 448-7526 (Toll free)


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Keywords: sales training, sales development, Extended DISC, communications skills, negotiation, pipeline development, sales management training, goal setting, strategic planning, succession planning, coaching,
Primary category: Management Consulting Services (54161)
Secondary category: Professional and Management Development Training (61143)