vG Accounting Services and Computer Reporting

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During a fair number of years I have looked after the administration requirements of a number of companies ranging from a truck repair shop, golf courses, doctors' offices, to a timber frame company. The accounting activities include accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, all government reports, OHIP submissions and year ends. Therefore, if you want to out source (some of) your administrative work please feel free to contact me and see if we can come up with a tailor fit arrangement for you.

577 Juliana Drive
Mount BrydgesON
N0L 1W0

(519) 264-1811 (Voice)


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Keywords: Accounting, bookkeeping, computer reporting, tax returns, taxes
Primary category: Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping and Payroll Services (54121)
Secondary category: Office Administrative Services (56111)