Bermuda Summer of Love: Tributes to John Lennon's Life & Music

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This tribute begins June 21 with the unveiling of local artist Graham Foster's Double Fantasy Sculpture and an art exhibit of Lennon's lithographs at the Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art, and the opening of the Double Fantasy Labyrinth in the Bermuda Botanical Gardens. The John Lennon Double Fantasy Bermuda Tribute Concert, September 21 at the Bermuda Botanical Gardens, will feature songs by local and international artists off the Bermuda Tribute CD. In June 1980, John Lennon sailed to Bermuda on a yacht for an extended vacation. The experience sparked his musical genius and within just six weeks he wrote and completed 25 songs, breaking a five year writer’s block. The resulting comeback album was entitled Double Fantasy, named for a flower he had seen in the Bermuda Botanical Gardens.

South Rd
Bermuda Botanical Gardens

PG 01

(441) 278-1500 (Voice)
(877) 450-6412 (Toll free)


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Keywords: Graham Foster, Double Fantasy, Lennon, Masterworks, Botanical Gardens, Tribute