inHome Fit - Personal Trainer

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inHome Fit offers solutions for a wide range of fitness and training needs. Your inHome Fit personal trainer can help you achieve goals you never thought possible! Our Training Philosophy: inHome Fit aims to offer an affordable, convenient fitness solution, in order to help clients stay motivated and engaged to achieve their health, weight loss and fitness goals! The gym can be an intimidating place. Removing the hassle and stress of going to a gym and allowing for work to be done in the comfort of the client’s home, makes it easier for the clients to achieve results they never thought possible!

1260 Marlborough Court
L6H 3H5

(289) 838-4779 (Voice)


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Keywords: personal trainer, in-home trainer, fitness, health, wellness, weight loss, cardiovascular, exercise, trainer, nutrition, sport specific training, healthy eating, resistance training, bootcamp
Primary category: Athletic Instruction (61162)
Secondary category: Other Individual and Family Services (62419)
Number of employees: 1 to 4